NABH remarks on ED MIMS

Chairman wrote: Dr. Azad Moopen ✆ 10:02 AM (3 hours ago)   to me, MIMS, MIMS Dear Dr. Venu, You are doing commendable job for a decade in area of EMS in Kerala. You started this crusade as a One Man Army and laid strong foundation for it, training doctors and staff through ingenious courses who are spreading the culture throughout the state and starting an emergency ambulance service which is again spreading to many new places. I would like to call you the Father of EMS in Kerala! You have saved and will save many lives. MIMS is proud to be a part of this with active involvement of Prof Varma, Dr Abdulla and the ED team. Best regards, Dr Azad Chairman DM Healthcare, MIMS & DM WIMS www.dmhealthcare.com | www.mimsindia.com | www.dmwims.com